TR Dizin Application and Evaluation Processes
Creating a User Account and Journal Application
In order for the journal to be evaluated within the scope of TR Dizin, a user account must be created via the “Editor Application Form” by the journal owner, publisher and/or editor through TR Dizin.
- Before applying for the TR Dizin, please read the “Prerequisites for TR Dizin Journal Application” and “TR Dizin Journal Evaluation Criteria”. Applications for journals that do not meet the conditions and criteria are rejected. Applying after completing the missing information will reduce loss of time and effort.
- The application form for TR Dizin consists of fields such as “Editor”, “Journal”, “Publisher”, “Contact” and “Other” information about the journal.
- All procedures related to the process management for TR Dizin are carried out through the TR Dizin. Therefore, all information in the above-mentioned fields must be accurate, clear and complete.
- Missing and/or incorrectly filled parts will adversely affect your journal application and may prevent communication with you for contact purposes. Please provide accurate and complete information.
Post-Application Processes and Journal Evaluation Procedures
The process of the publication starts after the journal information is filled out. Its application shall be completed after at least one issue and the peer-review reports specified in the criteria are submitted. The journals whose applications have been approved shall be monitored for at least one (1) year, 2 (two) years for newly-published journals, as of the submission date of the first issue and peer-review reports, for regular publication/submission and completion of deficiencies in the criteria other than the application conditions, if any. During the monitoring process;
- Journals published for a long time may upload PDFs of the issues of the previous year at most, as of the application date by logging into TR Dizin with the user name and password specified in the “Editor Application Form”.
- PDFs of the issues to be published (including the outside cover, inside cover, and contents page) must be uploaded to TR Dizin, and for electronic journals only, the parts that are missing from the above mentioned sections must be accessible from the web page.
- The Pdf contents of the issue must be copyable.
- The data file must be submitted in the xml standard of the issue or article information must be entered.
- When submitting the first issue of the new year, the issues of the accepted and rejected articles in the previous year, if any, must be entered. If possible, it is suggested to submit an excel spreadsheet with the title of the article, name of the author(s), date of delivery, acceptance/rejection status and date.
- After the application is approved, the journal issues and peer-review reports specified in the Journal Evaluation Criteria should continue to be uploaded. If any of these are missing, your journal will not be included in the evaluation process and will be rejected for the related year. Please make timely and regular uploads.
- At the end of the monitoring period, a preliminary evaluation of the journal is conducted by TR Dizin experts. As a result of the preliminary evaluation, necessary suggestions/warnings are provided to the journals with determined deficiencies. Journals may be rejected during the preliminary evaluation phase due to deficiencies regarding the basic quality and quantity issues. If not, journals whose monitoring process is completed are submitted for committee evaluation.
Committee Evaluation Processes
Committee evaluation is carried out using general publishing principles, journal evaluation criteria, peer-review reports and preliminary evaluation forms.
- The committee members will evaluate the journal’s;
- Compliance with Research and Publication Ethics,
- Peer-review evaluation system, contribution of peer-reviewing, adequacy of reports, effectiveness, content quality etc.
- Editorial board quality, competence, contribution, independence, publication accuracy (language and spelling), product accuracy (in terms of typesetting, etc.), international and geographic representation of the journal (reviewers, advisory and editorial board) competent names, etc.
- Formal features of articles, compliance with spelling rules, accuracy of article sources and conformity to standards, article title, abstract and keyword quality.
- Committee members may request additional information and documents if they do not consider the existing documents sufficient in the committee evaluation process.
Post-Committee Evaluation Procedures
- The result of the committee evaluation (such as acceptance and rejection) shall be notified to the publisher/editor in an official letter. “TR Dizin Participation Agreement” is signed in 2 (two) copies between the accepted journal editor and the Directorate of ULAKBIM.
- Following the signing of the agreements, the journal is included in the TR Dizin data entry process.
- New issues of “accepted“ journals should be uploaded in PDF format. It is the responsibility of the editor and/or publisher to ensure that the issues are sent on time and regularly. Failure to upload the issues and related peer-review reports to TR Dizin in time will cause the journal to be removed from the index.
- The new issues of the accepted journal should also comply with the conditions and criteria. In case of non-compliance with the criteria, the status of the journal in the index is re-evaluated by the relevant Committee.
- After the committee evaluation, journals that are not accepted to the TR Dizin will continue to be monitored for a period of one year.
- In the case of monitoring after rejection, the journal is re-evaluated at the end of the period provided that it completes its new issues and uploads peer-review reports and completes the missing points in question.
- As a result of the second evaluation of the Committee, if the deficiencies mentioned previously continue, the re-evaluated year and the next year of the journal will remain as rejected. The journal, which has been rejected twice in a row, will not be considered for 2 years.
- According to the committee evaluation results, “accepted” or “rejected” journals should upload their new issue and documents requested for evaluation by the committee (sample peer-review reports, etc.) to TR Dizin on time.
General Points to Take Into Considerations for TR Dizin
- Periodicals and publication months should not be changed during the publication of the journal year/volume. Periodical and publication month changes should be decided before the year/volume starts and announced beforehand.
- In case a decision to change the journal name is made, a new ISSN should be obtained for the new name of the journal. The old name of the journal should be indicated for at least two years in each issue published under the new name and on the website. The name changes and ISSN information of the journal, together with the year intervals, should be indicated in the “About Journal” section under the title “History of the Journal”. In order to change the name of the journal, it is necessary to make a request through the “Journal Name Change Form” in ODIS.
- In the event of a later change in the information provided at the application stage, this information should be changed from ODIS as soon as possible. The information should be updated as soon as there is a change (such as editor, journal URL, contact information change). In case of missing or incorrect information, the responsibility rests with the editor. “Journal Information Change” Form should be used for areas prevented from any change.
- Peer-review evaluation reports should be kept for at least five years after the publication date, allowing the TUBITAK ULAKBIM TR Dizin Committee to review them.
- All issues of the journal; outside/inside cover, back of the magazine and each issue on the web page of the journal shall include the name of the journal, year, volume number if any and issue number.
- Additional/special issues, subject-specific journals or congress proceedings and those published according to article writing rules will be evaluated according to the relevant article of the criteria.
- Additional/special issues are the responsibility of the journal editor. The journal’s rules and policies also apply to these issues. The additional/special issue could have a guest editor.
- Every scientific article should have a “Bibliography”. The references should be written in Latin alphabet, and the form, accuracy and accessibility should be taken into consideration.
- The bibliography should conform to the international sources of writing (APA, MLA, AIP, NLM, AMA, ACS, etc.), and the format used should be detailed in the “Article Writing Rules”.
- In the scientific articles using footnotes, the footnote references should be provided separately at the end of the article.
- The bibliographic information that identifies the article and can be used for citation [journal name -usually the “short name of the journal” specified by the editorial board is preferred, year; volume no (issue no if any): in the format of the page ranges of the related article (for example: Akd. Araş Derg, 2014; 15(2): 15-22] on the first page of the scientific articles in the journal, preferably on the top, should be provided with the international common form.
- All journals in the index are periodically re-evaluated by the TUBITAK ULAKBIM TR Dizin Committee. The journal may be removed from the index if the TR Dizin Journal Evaluation Criteria or other conditions are not followed.
- The journal should not include names that may mislead readers and authors about “indexed sources.”
- In the process of article acceptance, if the opinions of the two reviewers differ, a decision should be reached by consulting the editor or a third reviewer.
TR Dizin Application Requirements and Journal Evaluation Criteria
Prerequisites for Journal Application to TR Dizin
The following issues are a prerequisite for journal applications for screening in the TR Dizin, and the issues stated as incomplete or incorrect will result in the rejection of the journal application. Therefore, be sure to provide the relevant items.
- To apply to the index, at least one issue must be published.
- The journals in the field of Health Sciences, Dentistry and Pharmaceuticals should publish at least 3 issues per year; journals in the field of Engineering, Basic Sciences, Veterinary Medicine should publish at least 2 issues per year and journals in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities should publish at least 1 issue per year.
- ISSN should be obtained for printed journals and E-ISSN for electronic journals. If both formats are published, both ISSNs must be available.
- The ISSN number must be obtained from the ISSN Office of Libraries and Publications General Directorate of the Ministry of Culture.
- The format of the journal name on the outside cover/inside cover/web page should be the same as the ISSN registration at the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture.
- The ISSN of the printed version of the journal (on the outside cover of the journal, preferably on the upper right, together with the information regarding the journal on the inner cover) and the ISSN of the electronic version should be easily visible on the journal website and on the home page.
- The journal should be a peer-reviewed and scientific journal. This should be indicated in the journal and/or on the web page.
- The journal should have an independent web page and the detailed information for the scientific journal should be designed in an easily accessible manner. Information related to the journal [full name of the journal, name in other languages (such as the English name), if any, abbreviated name, ISSN (printed) and/or ISSN (electronic), full address, publication language of the journal, publication months, publication interval, purpose, scope and ethical information, corporate contacts and e-mail addresses, history of the journal (if applicable such as change of name and ISSN with year intervals), editors and related boards, publisher, publishing house, etc. information] should be indicated on the inside cover of the journal and/or on the website under separate headings.
- The purpose and scope of the journal should be indicated in detail in the journal and/or on the web page.
- The articles in the journal should contain abstract and keywords in the article language. A word limit should be given for the abstract and this rule should be followed. Abstract and Keywords should comply with international standards.
- Articles written in languages other than Latin alphabets should include the title, abstract, keywords and references written in Latin alphabets.
- The articles in the journal should be classified according to their types (research article, case report, review, etc.) and indicated on the table of contents and on the first page of the article.
- On the first page of the scientific articles in the journal, preferably at the bottom, the article submission and acceptance dates, the institutions of all authors, contact information and the internationally valid “ORCID” information should be included.
- In order not to disrupt the integrity of scientific articles, advertisements and similar promotions should not be included in the article and should not be given a page number.
TR Dizin Journal Evaluation Criteria
The journals providing the “Prerequisites for Journal Application to TR Dizin” and whose application is approved are evaluated by TR Dizin Experts and Committee according to the following criteria after a period of 1 (one) year follow-up. This period is 2 (two) years for newly published journals.
- The journal should publish its issues on time and at the intervals announced during the year and upload them to the TR Dizin Online Journal Monitoring System (ODIS). Responsibility for timely and regular submission belongs to the journal editor. Journals that do not submit their issues in time will not be accepted to TR Dizin.
- Field editors should be present for the institutional and journals with a broad scope.
- The journals should have language editors for the publication language. Compliance with the spelling rules of the relevant language should be considered.
- Publication and Advisory Boards should have an institutional distribution and the editorial board should consist of at least 1/3 different institutions. The names of the institutions where the board members work or at least the city and country information should be included.
- Competencies, publications etc. of editor and editorial board members should be taken into consideration.
- Appropriate peer-reviewers should be appointed from different institutions and the principles of impartiality and diversity should be observed.
- The diversity of institutions and authors in the articles published in the journal should be taken into consideration.
- The following should be observed under the code of ethics.
- An ethics committee approval must be obtained for research conducted in all disciplines including social sciences and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals, requiring ethical committee decision, and this approval should be stated and documented in the article.
- It should be indicated in the journal and/or web page under a separate heading referring to national and international standards.
- Information on the ethical rules under separate headings should be provided under this heading, for the peer-reviewers, authors and editors.
- It should be stated that the articles comply with Research and Publication Ethics.
- Reference to international standards and institutions should be made. For example, scientific articles sent to journals should take into account the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the International Standards for Editors and Authors of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
- In studies requiring ethical committee permission, information about the permission (board name, date and issue number) should be included in the method section and on the first/last page of the article.
- For the scales used in data collection, the permission of the scale owner should be obtained and declared in the article.
- Copyright regulations must be observed for the ideas and works of art used.
- The number of articles to be included in each issue of the journal should be proportional and the number of articles among issue/volume should be even.
- The total scientific research article within a year should constitute at least 50% of the total number of scientific articles (research, case report, review) for the science subject area. In addition, for the fields of health sciences, dentistry and pharmacy, the total scientific research paper must be at least 12 in one year.
- Article writing rules should be given in detail in the journal and the articles should be strictly in accordance with this format. For example; table, figure, title, sub title, abstract, references.
- In journals that begin with a new volume number at the end of each year, the page numbers should start from 1 in the first issue and follow each other in the issues within the same volume. The page number can start from 1 in each issue of the journals published with an issue number without a volume.
- The number of peer-reviewers must be at least two for each article, taking care to be from different institutions.
- All journals within the scope of the TR Dizin (accepted, pending or new applicants), should submit peer-review reports of two accepted (1st and 4th article published in the first issue), one rejected and one additional article to be selected by the editor in 2020. (For 2019, the 2nd and 4th articles in the 1st issue and the peer-reviewer reports of one article that was not suitable for publication should be uploaded.) If a peer-reviewer report is requested by the Committee additionally, it should be uploaded to ODIS by the same method. In addition to the format review, the peer-review evaluation reports should indicate that a scientific evaluation has been carried out (selective peer-review form, peer-reviewer notes on the article, scientific evaluation notes etc. in the evaluation form). [* for the related article, it should be uploaded in 1 pdf file (the first form of the submitted article, 1st peer-review opinion, 2nd peer-review opinion, corrections if any, referee names and evaluation dates and signed if possible) showing the whole peer-review evaluation process].
- In the journal, the publishing of a combined issue can be made only once for 2 consecutive issues within 3 years.
- Special issues or additional issues are also evaluated based on the criteria. Additionally;
- Additional/Special issue: They are issues published in addition to the regular issues of a journal issued at regular intervals.
- Page numbers in the additional/special issue should be numbered differently from the regular issues in the year.
- Number of Special/Additional issues cannot be more than 1/3 of the normal period. Special issues including abstracts of congress proceedings are not included in this scope.
- Case reports, review and research article rates (excluding congress abstracts) published in Special/Additional issues will be included in the rates of published articles in other issues.
- Award numbers are not accepted under special/additional issues. It should be numbered and submitted as an ordinary issue.
“Review” and “Case Report” journals:
In addition to meeting the above-mentioned criteria, it is also required to comply with the following issues.
Review Journals
- The journal should only publish a review article and this should be indicated in the journal.
- These journals should meet the criteria other than the article related to the “number and percentage of research articles” of the TR Dizin criteria.
- Review journals planned to be included in TR Dizin must be peer-reviewed. However, “invited reviews” will not require peer-reviews. Invited review refers to a limited number of invited articles in a journal. These reviews should at least be approved by the editor.
Review journals outside this scope will not be evaluated.
Case Report
- Only the case report should be published and this should be stated in the journal.
- It should meet the criteria other than the criterion related to the “number and percentage of research articles” among the TR Dizin Criteria.
- The announcement of the peer-reviewer list is at the discretion of the journal editor, however it is suggested that a list by issue/volume/year be provided,
- It is suggested that article titles be provided in Turkish and English in the “Contents” page of the journal,
- It is suggested that a plagiarism program be used and announced in the journal and/or website,
- It is suggested that the abbreviation of the name of the journal be indicated in the journal,
- It is suggested that the title, abstract and keywords be published in the journal in a language other than the article language in order to increase the impact of the articles in national and international fields.
- It is suggested that the journal include detailed information about the journal publishing process and policy (such as open access information, pricing policy, if any, article review period and process) under the title of “publication policy”.
- It is suggested that a statement regarding the contribution rate of the researchers, a statement of support and acknowledgment, if any, and a Conflict of Interest Statement be submitted at the end of the article.