TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Cahit Arf Information Center organized “TR Dizin Regional Editor Workshop” in Edirne on 06 May 2019, hosted by Trakya University, for the purpose of introducing and training about the new interface of TR Dizin, which enables National Citation Index and Performance Measurement through improving the quality of national scientific publication.
Addressing the scientific journal editors, board members and publishers, the workshop informed about the criteria and processes for TR Dizin, TÜBİTAK Open Science Policy, editorship, peer-reviews, ethic applications and looter journals.
This four-session program was attended by Prof. Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu, the Rector of Trakya University, Prof. Dr. Cem Uzun, Prorector, Assistant Professor Bülent Akyay, Director of Balkan Research Institute, Mustafa Sancar, Deputy Director of Cahit Arf Information Center, Members of EASE (European Association of Science Editors) Turkey Section Members of Trakya University, TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM TR Dizin Group experts and academics.
Mustafa Sancar, Deputy Director of Cahit Arf Information Center thanked in his speech to Trakya University for hosting the first of Editor Workshops and Prof. Dr. Cem Uzun, Prorector for his great efforts to realizing this workshop and noted that such programs addressing scientific journal editors, board members and publishers in cooperation with various universities by specific regions.
Mentioning that Trakya University is specialized in Balkans, Rector Prof. Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu announced a new area of specialization, namely “Journal Publishing” and stated that they cemented their specializations with great efforts of Prof. Dr. Cem Uzun.
Prof. Dr. Cem Uzun, the Prorector and TR Dizin Committee Member expressed the highly serious scientific meetings held until today with the supports of Prof. Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu, the Rector of Trakya University, and mentioned that the “Editor’s Handbook” written by Pippa SMART was translated to Turkey in association with Prof. Dr. Orhan Yılmaz, TR Dizin Committee Member in response to the need in this field. Prof. Dr. Uzun also mentioned that 146 participants from all around Turkey enrolled to the program and thanked the audiences, who came from afar to learn and share.
The sessions followed the keynote speeches. In the first session of the four-session workshop, under the chair of Mustafa Sancar, the Deputy Director of Cahit Arf Information Center, Sibel Tabanlıoğlu, a specialist of TR Dizin, delivered a presentation on “Processes about TR Dizin”, and Nuray Demirkol delivered a presentation on “Things to Consider to be Listed in TR Dizin? Criteria for Journal Assessment”.
Mehmet Boz, a specialist of TR Dizin briefed about “TR Dizin Editor Process Management Training” and Ebru Soyuyüce Aydın informed about “Open Science Policy and Applications” during the second session led by Remzi Özer.
Prof. Dr. Cem Uzun, Prorector and TR Dizin Committee Member delivered a presentation about “How to Improve your Journal to Editorial-International Standards?” and “Publication Ethic Applications for Ethics-Editors” in the third session led by Assistant Professor Bülent Akyay.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kadri Kıran made a presentation on “Peer-Review (Counselling) and Prof. Dr. Zafer Koçak on “Looter Journals” during the final session led by Research Associate Dr. Erdem Demiröz. The workshop ended after attendants were awarded with their certificates and a souvenir photo was taken.